Apex Learning’s educational software is a standards-based online curriculum focused in math, science, English, social studies, world languages and Advanced Placement courses. Apex Learning courseware is widely used for:
- Gaining original credit;
- Accomplishing credit recovery;
- Remediation programs;
- Educational intervention/acceleration; and
- Exam preparation.
Schools across the U.S. are successfully using Apex Learning’s digital curriculum to assist students in building foundation skills and creating opportunities for advanced coursework. Apex Learning seamlessly transitions to your state’s Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Apex Learning students engage in active learning that assists in critical thinking skills development and in preparation for college and work.
Check it out for yourself and find out why so many people turn to Global Student Network for the BEST in online learning!
Some Apex Learning courses require additional materials. For a list of these items and where to purchase them, Click Here.
Honors Courses
Honors courses are standards-based general studies courses that meet the needs of motivated students seeking to accelerate learning and deepen conceptual understanding. Honors courses provide many opportunities to apply, extend and synthesize knowledge and are ideally suited to prepare students for the rigors of Advanced Placement™*. Each semester course offers 90-120 hours of interactive direct instruction, guided practice and robust enrichment along with a variety of diagnostic assessment tools for teachers and parents.
Advanced Placement Courses
In order to claim a course as AP* on a transcript, the course syllabus must now be pre-approved by the College Board AP* Central. Homeschooled students are responsible for registering for the AP* exams. For more information regarding AP* courses please contact the college board at 888-225-5427 or apstudents@info.collegeboard.org.
*Advanced Placement™ is a registered trademark of the College Board.
Core Courses
Core Courses are standards-based general studies courses that meet the needs of a range of students as they strive to master rigorous content and earn credits towards high school graduation. While Core Courses assume readiness for grade-level academic challenges, they also include targeted learning structures for students who could benefit from additional learning support. Each semester course offers 70-90 hours of interactive direct instruction, guided practice and a variety of diagnostic assessment tools for teachers and parents.
Some Core Courses require the purchase of supplemental materials. For a list of these items and where to purchase them, Click Here.