A+ Courseware

Online K-12 Core Curriculum

A+ is a web-based, self-paced, problem solving learning application containing more than 5,500 lessons and 200,000 content pages with graphic and multi-media enhancements.    Great for visual and audio learners.

  • Aligned with national and state standards;
  • Allows flexibility to personalize courses to meet individual student needs;
  • Student and parent/teachers can access courses and view student progress from ANYWHERE there is an Internet connection;
  • Tailored to fit all learning styles, interests and student/family needs; and
  • Includes graphics and multi-media enhancements.


An ideal alternative learning environment leading to success in:

  • Adolescent literacy;
  • Advanced placement;
  • School credit recovery;
  • English language programs;
  • Programs for exceptional learners;
  • Transition from middle school to high school;
  • Remediation programs; and
  • Summer school programs.

